Ensure the smartphone is running the latest version of blackberry device software (see article 16068). if the smartphone is already running the latest version of blackberry device software, perform a hard reset by removing the battery from the smartphone and reinserting it (see article 2141 ).. Hi wilson, im actually facing a problem with my blackberry curve 9300. the fact is when i start my phone when it loads about 70%, i got a white screen with a jvm 102 and reset option.. Untuk mengembalikannya seperti semula kita perlu mengupdate softwarenya pertama download dan install dulu aplikasi blackberry dekstop manager, untuk mengunduhnya klik disini 1..
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Dengan proses ini, maka semua data di blackberry anda akan terhapus, jadi lakukan backup sebelum melakukan proses ini.. I use bbsak myself, but this should work the same. open up the windows task manager and kill the following processes (if they're running) bbdevmgr.exe. Its crashed on me 2 times just today. i'm getting scared. what's wrong with my beautiful phone?.